Family: Compositae (Daisy)
Parts Used: Entire plant but the root is the most potent
Echinacea is a must have herb around here, at the onset of any illness or infection I start administering echinacea immediately and very often - like every hour. I love using this herb because it is so gentle so I can use it on my little ones, yet super powerful so it can give any invader the boot.
Herbal Actions and Properties
- alterative
- antibacterial
- antiseptic
- antifungal
- anti-microbial
- anti-viral
- anti-catarrhal
- diaphoretic
- sialagogue
Medicinal Uses
- any type of inflammation
- any type of infection
- bronchial and respiratory infections
- sinus and nasal infections
- sore throat and oral infections
- ear infection
- cold sores
- bacterial and viral attacks
- meningitis
- insect and snake bites (take internally as well as topically to area affected)
- blood poisoning and gangrene
- yeast infections
- bladder infection
- skin diseases
- cold, flu and fever
- boils, sores, and abscesses
- cuts, wounds, and burns (increases cell activity that form new tissue)
- mastitis and breast infection
- vaccination reaction
- fungal infections such as athletes foot and ringworm
- can increase white bloods cells in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy or radiation which helps with immune system support
Methods of Use
- Tincture
- Infusion or decoction (tea)
- Powder
- Capsules
- Compress/fomentation/poultice
- Mouthwash and gargle
In the Garden
- plant in full sun, after the last frost
- should do well in any soil conditions
Harvesting the entire plant (at least 3 years old):
- Leaves - In late spring
- When buds first begin to ripen, gather about 1/3 of the plant and dry
- When the flowers bloom gather several more blossoms, still leaving some remaining
- Roots - In the fall when the plant dies back, its best to harvest a plant when 2-3 years old. Dig up plant, cut off top, scrub roots and chop to dry or use immediately.
Here are the dosage amounts I use, which can be adjusted per person and conditon. Sometimes I feel I need to give it every half hour or maybe every two can read your body (or children's body) quite easily during an illness to see what will work best for you.
Tea - one cup of tea, 3-5 times a day (adult)
one cup of tea, 2-3 times a day (children)
Tincture/glycerite - 1-2 dropperfuls every hour (children)
2-3 dropperfuls every hour (adult)
Capsules - 2-3 capsules every hour