Remedies for Earache and Infection
*Do not put anything into the ear canal if you have signs of a preforated eardrum, which would be drainage coming from the ear. Seek medical help if this is the case. These remedies are for earaches that result from cold, flu or respiratory congestion not for "swimmers ear". If conditions do not improve within 24- 48 hours a visit to the Dr. would be a good idea.
- Before doing any type of remedies I go see the chiropractor! He can adjust the ear to allow for mucous and build up to drain from the ear canals, aiding in healing and preventing an infection from starting.
- Avoid congesting type of foods such as eggs, dairy, wheat, sugar, orange juice and refined, processed foods.
- Make sure patient gets plenty of rest and stays indoors for a couple of days. Cold air and running around will only aggravate the condition.
- Give probiotics several times a day. This could be in the form of fermented foods, kefir, yogurt (plain), or capsules.
- Ginger Lemonade
- Garlic Oil, always use warm and in both ears.
- Ear Oil, this oil is available from Mountain Rose Herbs and contains both mullein flowers and garlic along with vitamin e oil.
- You can reduce discomfort by applying a warm compress (using any of the herbs below), warmed herbal sachet or warmed rice bag.
- 3-4 cups lemon balm tea per day, until symptoms subside.
- Ear Infection Tincture (from Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health by Rosemary Gladstar) 1 part echinacea root, 1 part fresh garlic, 1 part usnea, 1/4 part ginger root, 1/4 part goldenseal (or Oregon Grape Root). Follow instructions for making a tincture here. Use 1/2 dropper with meals, three times a day. Just to clarify this tincture is to be taken internally not in the ear. (Herbal tinctures can be purchased from Mountain Rose Herbs or check your local health food store)
- Chamomoile, German
- Echinacea - infection fighter, immune booster. I give 1-2 dropperfuls of tincture every hour until symptoms subside.
- Garlic
- Lemon Balm
- Mullein flowers - works best as an herbal infused oil with fresh flowers. Use a warm dropperful or two in both ears 2-3 times a day. Mullein oil can be purchased from Mountain Rose Herbs.
- Oregon Graperoot - natural antibiotic, kills many types of bacteria. 1-2 dropperfuls tincture, every couple of hours or you could purchase capsules from the health food store and follow package directions. Tincture available from Mountain Rose Herbs.
Apply 2 drops of essential oil and 2 drops warmed carrier on a cotton swab and trace along the inside of the ear (ear well - not canal), also apply oils to outside of the ear, on the bone directly behind the ear and down the jaw line. Before bed place 2-3 drops on a cotton ball and place it over the ear opening overnight. I would suggest using melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) and lavender.
eucalyptus - radiata
valerian - combine with helichrysum for best results
eucalyptus - radiata
valerian - combine with helichrysum for best results