Mentha Piperita
Family: Labiatae (mint)
Peppermint was the first essential oil I was ever introduced to and is the very oil that got me interested in aromatherapy and essential oils. It is on my top 10 list of essential oils to have on hand for any type of digestive complaint or problems, I also love the pest repelling and cooling properties of this oil, not to mention how yummy it is to add to sweet treats and beverages.
Family: Labiatae (mint)
Peppermint was the first essential oil I was ever introduced to and is the very oil that got me interested in aromatherapy and essential oils. It is on my top 10 list of essential oils to have on hand for any type of digestive complaint or problems, I also love the pest repelling and cooling properties of this oil, not to mention how yummy it is to add to sweet treats and beverages.
- Apply topically with a carrier oil
- Inhale (diffuse)
- G.R.A.S (generally regarded as safe for human consumption)
- purifies and disinfects
- spray along window sills and door to keep unwanted pests from entering
Medicinal Uses
- asthma (apply one drop under the tongue)
- sinus, chest congestion, any respiratory problem or weakness (again apply a drop under the tongue to congestion relief)
- sore throat, laryngitis
- colds, flu and fever
- allergies and hay fever
- halitosis, breath freshener (one drop under the tongue or make a gargle with water and a drop or two of oil)
- toothaches, mouth sores, gum infection
- cold sores
- concentration, brain, memory, alertness, fatigue, energizing
- digestion: constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion, gas, IBS
- nausea, morning or motion sickness and vomiting
- headache and migraines
- PMS, menstrual irregularity, cramps, aches, etc.
- muscle pain, inflamed joints and tissue, arthritis, rheumatism, carpal tunnel
- varicose veins
- skin fungus, candida, hives, scabies, rashes, itching, irritated skin
- cools the heat of sunburn and brings body temperature down on hot days (mix a drop of two in a spray bottle with water or apply directly to the back of the neck)
- hot flashes (simply inhale or use the spray bottle method)
- depression, uplifts the spirit
- repels spiders and insects, 1 drop on a tick will detach it whole
- heals the pain and itch of spider and insect bites or stings
- gets oxygen moving through the system (just inhale for hyperventilating, panic attack or hard time breathing)
Caution should be taken when using this oil while pregnant, peppermint can stimulate the uterus, probably best to use a blend and in small amounts. Also use caution if dealing with high blood pressure. Do not use repeatedly on the same area over and over as this can result in contact sensitization, use a carrier when applying topically. Probably not a good idea to use in the bathtub.
Other Resources
While this article has great information on peppermint oil I do not recommend using doTerra oils as they do. I have used a variety of brands over the years and doTerra was the only one that I had adverse reactions to so I am concerned about their quality and transparency.