The Recipe
1 egg (farm fresh eggs are best)
1 egg yolk
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
1/2 tsp. Real salt
1 Tbsp. whey (optional if you want to culture it)
I don't use a whole lot of mayonnaise but I have a couple favorite recipes that I make using it. After taking a glance at the ingredients from a grocery store bottle I decided years ago I would be making my own. I didn't realize how simple and easy making mayo really is and with ingredients you probably always have available.
The Recipe
1 cup oil of choice (I use 3/4 cup light oil such as avocado or grapeseed and 1/4 cup olive oil)
1 egg (farm fresh eggs are best) 1 egg yolk 2 Tbsp. lemon juice 1/2 tsp. Real salt 1 Tbsp. whey (optional if you want to culture it)
In a blender add the eggs, lemon juice and salt. Blend the ingredients for a couple of seconds and while still blending slowly drizzle the oil in and continue blending until thickened. If you want to have a cultured version of mayo add the whey, mix thoroughly and let it sit at room temperature for about 6 hours before putting in the fridge.
Salad Dressing Spread
I found one afternoon I needed some Salad Dressing for something I was making. I looked in DIY Pantry by Kresha Faber at Nourishing Joy and sure enough, she had a recipe to turn that mayonnaise into "Miracle Whip" salad dressing. To your mayo just add: 5 tsp. apple cider vinegar, 4 tsp. sugar (I used xylitol) 1/4 tsp. dry mustard , pinch of paprika and a pinch of garlic powder. This really does make the mayo taste just like salad dressing - amazing!
On my quest to make all of my personal care products at home with natural ingredients I came upon this great recipe for shaving cream from the Mountain Rose Herbs blog. I made this last year for my hubby for Christmas along with some aftershave. He never did use them *surprise* but I took them over and used the aftershave as a wonderful facial toner and I loved the shaving cream. I used manly scents for his version but just recently ran out and made up a fresh batch with some more womanly scents.
The Recipe
1/4 cup oil of choice - I used calendula infused olive oil
1 oz. (3 Tbsp.) cocoa butter 1/4 c. aloe vera 1 Tbsp. Redmond clay 2 tsp. baking soda 1/4 cup castille soap essential oils
Melt the cocoa butter into the oil over very low heat. Remove from heat and add the remaining ingredients, choose essential oils from the list below or use your own combination or single. Using a hand mixer or stick immersion blender, blend the ingredients until soft and fluffy. Pour into a container and store with your personal care items.
Essential Oils
Where to get these ingredients
You can make your own calendula infused oil or purchase some from Mountain Rose Herbs, they also carry all of the ingredients you will need to make this shaving cream.
Most of this blog is devoted to natural health and healing, I have talked about many herbs, essential oils and home remedies for healing different conditions, but have not yet discussed why those conditions exist in the first place and how we can keep balance in the body to prevent them from manifesting at all.
All conditions exist in the body because of some kind of imbalance that can be caused from improper diet, negative thoughts, feelings and emotions, environmental toxins (pollutants, harsh chemicals – including cleaning detergents and personal care products, second hand smoke, pharmaceuticals, vaccinations, electromagnetic radiation, etc., etc. this list could go on and on) and in some cases from God, to allow us opportunities to learn and grow, sometimes for ourselves and sometimes for others.
"We glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope." Romans 5:3-4
Each of us were created by a loving Heavenly Father, He likewise created everything these bodies would need for nourishment and protection. I find it fascinating that plants are so closely created like our own bodies, they have life force running through their veins that give oxygen and nourishment to the entire plant, similar to our own blood and they pro-create just as we do. This is no mere coincidence, plants were meant to give our bodies nutrients, vitamins, minerals and when needed, medicine, to keep the proper balance so they can perform their functions correctly.
"And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine." Ezekiel 47:12 When we consume fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, grains, nuts and seeds, we are nourishing our bodies with the life force it needs for proper function. When we consume man made products, food that has been refined and/or added to, or covered with harmful chemicals the body does not receive the nutrients it needs for proper function as well as adding toxins to the systems therefore creating an imbalance. This imbalance can cause illness, disease and other problems within the body.
Negative thoughts, feelings and emotions can also bring imbalance in the body. Many studies have been done on the effects negative words and music can have on water and plants, so wouldn't it make sense that our bodies are even more inclined to be affected by them. Our thoughts and words carry power in them, so much that our physical body can either be healed by the positive or manifest disease with negative. Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman goes in to great detail about how our feelings and emotions affect our health and relationships and what we can do to overcome them.
How To Bring About Balance
There is so much information pouring out from all areas; books, websites, television, health clinics, schools, programs, etc. on how we should care for our bodies and bring about balance for optimum health. I have fallen into some of the "fads" of our day but the Lord has always brought me back to this thought: He has created everything we will ever need for health, healing, sustainability, life force, and balance in our life.
Elder L. Tom Perry, a late modern day apostle of the Lord said this regarding the creation, "Now the creation of the world was complete. There was a place for man to live. The waters, the dry land, the night and day, the plant and animal life -- all were created for the benefit of mankind. The supply system had been completed. All that man would ever need from the beginning of time to the very end, if he was industrious, would be supplied him." (As A Man Soweth, General Conference April 1976) So back to the question of How to Bring About Balance? Clean up your diet, only partake of those things the Lord has created and placed upon the earth for our benefit and use. Use herbs as a way to get the proper nutrients to areas of the body that are weakened. It is important to note that our bodies were created to know exactly what to do in order to heal. Herbs, essential oils, food, and other natural remedies merely support and aid the body with the healing process. Our bodies truly are amazing creations!
Forgive others, let things go, think positive thoughts, look at others through God's eyes, love one another and that includes loving and forgiving yourself.
Our Savior is the great healer and has overcome everything so He knows how to succor and heal us emotionally, spiritually and physically. Turning to Him will bring healing whether it be with peace for your situation or physical and mental health restored. Miracles are still upon the earth today and happen only through the Savior. To learn more of Him you can visit Because He Lives.
Resources for Further Study
Self-Reliance in Health Course
Feelings Buried Alive Never Die A Better Way to Think The Emotion Code |
Hi, I’m Annie, a child of God, Mother of Influence and Herbalist. Welcome to my place where I share what I have learned of natural and frugal living, healthy eating and living, gardening, homeschooling, herbal crafting, preparing temporally and spiritually, and love for God and Country.
January 2023