Daucus carota
Family: Umbelliferae (carrot, parsley)
Carrot seed oil is extracted from the wild carrot plant, also know as Queen Anne's Lace. It is well known for its skin healing and rejuvenating effects but also has strong digestive and detoxing properties on the kidneys and liver.
Family: Umbelliferae (carrot, parsley)
Carrot seed oil is extracted from the wild carrot plant, also know as Queen Anne's Lace. It is well known for its skin healing and rejuvenating effects but also has strong digestive and detoxing properties on the kidneys and liver.
- Diffuse
- Apply topically to area of concern - can be applied neat
- G.R.A.S, generally regarded as safe for human consumption
- Add to creams, lotions, or oil for skin care
Beauty and Personal Care
- use as a natural sunscreen - SPF 35-40
- heal and soothe sunburn
- retards and prevents wrinkles
- prevents or lightens age spots (applied regularly)
- add elasticity and tone to the skin
- scars
- dry, chapped skin
- regenerates skin tissue - great for mature and aging skin
- brightens the complexion
Medicinal Properties
- digestive tonic: constipation, gas, diarrhea, indigestion, etc.
- strengthens and detoxes liver and kidney function
- cleanses the blood
- jaundice
- hepatitis
- detoxes the entire body
- arthritis, rheumatism, gout, joint pain
- strengthens and detoxes nose, throat and lungs when inhaled
- strengthens the eyes
- skin health and healing: psoriasis, eczema, skin eruptions, boils, burns and sores
- anemia
- relieves pressure
- rejuvenates the mind and body