Eucalyptus - several species including; globulus, natriol azul, citriodora, dives, polybractea, radiata, staigeriana.
Family: Myrtaceae (myrtle)
With over 700 species the most well known and used for their healing properties are those listed above. Eucalyptus is well known for its decongestant properties and affinity for the respiratory system.
Radiata is considered the most therapeutic and gentler on the skin than other varieties, use this variety for deep lung infection.
Family: Myrtaceae (myrtle)
With over 700 species the most well known and used for their healing properties are those listed above. Eucalyptus is well known for its decongestant properties and affinity for the respiratory system.
Radiata is considered the most therapeutic and gentler on the skin than other varieties, use this variety for deep lung infection.
- Inhalation
- Apply topically with a carrier to area of concern and/or on the bottoms of the feet
- Eucalyptus can be toxic if taken internally although it is approved by the FDA as a food additive and flavoring.
Beauty and Personal Care
- purifies and disinfects
- kill bacteria and germs on surfaces - the older the oil the stronger its disinfectant qualities
- stain remover
- removes gum and sticky substances
- removes paint, ink and marker
- great laundry oil for it's stain removing properties and fresh, clean smell
Medicinal Uses
- asthma, bronchitis, coughs, congestion, sore throat, strep, any problem with the respiratory system
- cold, flu and fever
- allergies and hay fever
- first aid disinfectant and wound healer
- skin infection and sores
- cold sores
- burns, cooling
- cataracts
- cooling
- high blood pressure
- hypoglycemia, diabetes
- sport injuries (best results when used in a carrier oil and massaged into the area of concern)
- muscle, joint pain, carpal tunnel, rheumatism, arthritis
- any type of inflammation in the body
- kidney stones
- headache and migraine
- pain reliever
- shingles, chicken pox, measles
- mental clarity, focus, stimulates the brain
- depression, anxiety, stress relief
Do not take this oil internally and keep out of the reach of children. Do not use on or around infants.