The Recipe
4 oz. cream cheese
6 Tbsp. pure maple syrup
2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup coconut oil
One of my favorite treats is peanut butter cups, so on my search for a healthy, homemade version I came across this post from Whole and Heavenly Oven for peanut butter truffles. Increase the amounts, make my own chocolate sauce and boy did they turn out way better than I imagined. These are currently a family favorite now and something we have to whip up at least once a month.
The Recipe
1 cup natural peanut butter (I use Adam's)
4 oz. cream cheese 6 Tbsp. pure maple syrup 2 tsp. vanilla 1/2 cup coconut oil
Blend together and spoon into a mini muffin mold, or you can put the entire bowl in the fridge and roll into balls once it sets up. Place the molds in the freezer until solid
Once solid, pop out the cups and lay them face down on a cookie sheet or cutting board. Mix up the chocolate sauce and you can either dip the entire cup in the sauce or spoon/squeeze over the tops. I don't like to take the time to dip each cup so I just put the sauce in a plastic squeeze bottle and spread it over each cup. Place back in the freezer until the sauce is solid.
These keep best when stored in the freezer but you can also keep them in the fridge, they just don't stay as solid. Enjoy!
I have been busy these past few months taking courses from the School of Natural Healing, I am now a certified Family Herbalist and have taken several courses for Nutritional Herbalist. Through these courses I have been learning a lot about the body, how important the foods we eat are and how herbs can be used to nourish and heal the body.
One particular lecture stood out to me given by Dr. Christopher (you can view an excerpt of it here). He told of a plague formula given to him after a prayer for guidance during a lecture, when the students were asking for a remedy. I felt impressed to make up a large batch of this remedy to keep on hand for my family and others close by that may need it in the near (or not so near) future. Dr. Christopher's instructions were a bit complicated, like making a concentrate with each herb (nine to be exact) in the formula. I asked in prayer if there was a more simple way to make this formula while receiving the same healing results as Dr. Christopher's. This was the answer to my prayer and I wanted to share it with you, along with Dr. Christopher's Original Anti-Plague Remedy. The Recipe
Mix together the following herbs in a large bowl or container:
2 parts comfrey 1 part wormwood 1 part lobelia 1 part marshmallow root 1 part oak bark 1 part black walnut hull 1 part mullein 1 part skullcap 1 part uva ursi
Place the following liquids into a blender and blend until fully incorporated:
8 parts apple cider vinegar (use Bragg's brand or any kind with the mother) 5 parts vegetable glycerine 5 parts raw honey
Make a tincture using the blended liquids as the menstrum. Fill a jar 1/2 full of the herbal blend and cover with the liquid mixture. Stir real well allowing the herbs to absorb the liquids. I usually stir it up several times before putting the lid on. I then shake it up several times during the first day, adding more liquid as needed.
Let the herbal tincture sit for 6 weeks on a counter or in a cupboard, shaking daily - if you remember. Strain the herbs at the end of the 6 week period and add 2 parts garlic juice. Keep stored in a glass container in a cool, dark area (preferably a fridge if you have the space).
Garlic Juice
To make the garlic juice I just ran some garlic cloves through my juicer. There are several other methods for making garlic juice, you can do a quick google search to find the one that will work for you. Let me just say that all of us involved with "juicing" the garlic cloves had very clear sinus cavities that day.
The regular dosage for an adult would be 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day for prevention and 1 tablespoon each hour during illness. I always like to listen to my body and as often as you feel the need to take it, take it!
So what exactly do you use this remedy for?
The 1828 Webster's Dictionary describes the word plague as:
Any thing troublesome or vexatious; a pestilential disease; an acute, malignant and contagious disease, and has at times infected large cities with frightful mortality. Dr. Christopher had many stories of people using this remedy for all sorts of problems including; colds, flu, congestion, infection, communicable diseases, even menstrual cramps and headache. One family used this remedy only for every ailment or problem with the body they encountered. Where to Get Ingredients For This Remedy
Mountain Rose Herbs carries all the ingredients you will need to make this remedy. When purchasing herbs I do not grow in my own garden I use Dr. Christopher's Herb Shop, Mountain Rose Herbs and Bulk Herb Store. If you don't want to mess with making this remedy, Dr. Christopher's Herb Shop carries it online as Super Garlic Immune Syrup, I have also seen it on Amazon and you could check your local health food store for it as well.
![]() Hi, I’m Annie, a child of God, Mother of Influence and Herbalist. Welcome to my place where I share what I have learned of natural and frugal living, healthy eating and living, gardening, homeschooling, herbal crafting, preparing temporally and spiritually, and love for God and Country.
January 2023