Book of Mormon Stories
Lessons, stories, coloring pages, activities and videos - all about The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ
Introduction to the Book of Mormon
1 Nephi
Coloring pages/Activities:
Nephi Builds a Ship - script and activity Nephi's Broken Bow - coloring page Nephi Built a Boat - activity Lehi's Family Studied the Scriptures - coloring page Nephi was blessed for choosing the right Nephi and the Brass Plates - figures Nephi was obedient - Hero card 1 Nephi reading countdown Nephi Builds a Ship - figures Nephi Gets the Brass Plates - booklet Nephi Forgives His Brothers - story with figures Journey to the Promised Land game |
The Tree of Life
2 Nephi - Doctrines and Principles
Jacob Learns the Name of the Savior Sherem's Skepticism: The Tactics of a Faith Shaker Activities/Figures:
I can help others in need when I share with them - activity Missionaries serve Heavenly Father's children - maze |
Enos Prayed - story for littles Enos and the Power of Prayer Enos repents 5 Questions to Ask When Prayers Feel Unanswered How Does Heavenly Father Speak to Us? Enos: Podcast Episode 7 - Prayer How Can I Make My Prayers More Meaningful? Activities/Figures:
Scripture Hero: Enos I can talk to Heavenly Father through prayer Enos - figures Enos Prayed with Faith - coloring page I Can Pray Like Enos - story scene Enos Praying - find the differences |
Mosiah - King Benjamin
Mosiah - Abinadi and Alma the Elder
Alma Believed Abinadi - for littles Alma followed the Prophet - coloring page Alma's Baptism Talk Baptismal covenant Scripture Hero - Alma (the elder) Scripture Hero - Abinadi I can stand for truth, even when I stand along - activity Alma figures Abinadi and King Noah Mosiah/Alma Reading Countdown |
Mosiah/Alma - Alma The Younger
Book of Alma - Ammon and the Sons of Mosiah
Abish Shared the Gospel - for littles Ammon's Good Example Act Immediately with Faith Activities:
Abish Had Faith - coloring page Who Am I? - game Who Am I cards I can share the gospel with others - activity I am blessed when I keep my promises - activtiy Scripture Hero - Ammon Scripture Hero - Abish Ammon King Lamoni's Sheep Alma 1-30 Reading Countdown Alma 31-41 Reading Countdown |
Book of Alma - Captain Moroni & Stripling Warriors
3 Nephi
Jesus Visited the Americas - for littles Faithful People Followed Jesus - for littles Jesus Visits the Nephites Jesus Visits the Nephites 2 Jesus Appears to the Nephite People Jesus Administers the Sacrament Jesus Bless the Nephite Children Activities/Figures:
Jesus Visited the People of Nephi - coloring page One by One - action rhyme Jesus invites me me to come to Him - activity Let your light so shine - activity I can remember the Savior - booklet Paying tithing open the windows of heaven - activity I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ - activity Scripture Hero - Jesus Christ Jesus Heals and Blesses the Children Jesus Appears to the Nephites coloring page Nephi worships Christ - coloring page People Lived Happily - coloring page 3 Nephi Reading Countdown |
Mormon put together the Book of Mormon - coloring page The Book of Mormon and the Bible testify of Christ - coloring page Mormon coloring page Scripture Hero - Mormon Mormon, Moroni, JS History Reading Countdown |
Jaredite Maze - activity The Brother of Jared - activity Faith is believing in things we cannot see - activity Brother of Jared - activity Barges and stones activity Scripture Hero - Brother of Jared The Jaredites are Led to the Promised Land 3 Nephi - Ether Reading Countdown |
I take the sacrament to show that I will always remember Jesus - activity Charity is the pure love of Christ - activity My testimony of Jesus Christ - activity Scripture Hero - Moroni Moroni and the Book of Mormon Promise Scripture Reading Countdown |