Herbal Preparations: How to Use Your Herbs
My Favorite Herb Books
I love collecting books on herbs. There are hundreds available, along with many online blogs and websites, all about herbs. I always keep my eyes out for herb books at thrift and used book stores. These are just a few of my favorites I have come across through the years. I also have a link to the Herbal Academy book list. As I've mentioned in other places on my website, not all books have all truth, so use your spirit of discernment. Take what feels right and leave behind what doesn't.
Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide by Rosemary Gladstar
The Herbal Kitchen by Kami McBride
A Kid's Herb Book for Children of All Ages by Lesley Tierra (has stories and activities to go with learning each herb)
Backyard Medicine by Julie and Matthew Seal
The New Healing Herbs by Michael Castleman
Homegrown Herbs by Tammi Hartung (mainly how to cultivate herbs)
Mountain States Medicinal Plants by Briana Wiles (Rocky Mountain Area)
Essential Herbal Wisdom by Nancy Arrowsmith
Breverton's Complete Herbal by Terry Breverton (Based on Culpepper's Complete Herbal of 1653)
Prescription for Herbal Healing by Phyllis Balch
Herbal Materia Medica by David Hoffman
Nutritional Herbology by Mark Pedersen (details of nutrition content and constituents)
School of Natural Healing by John R. Christopher
Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss
Materia Medica by Michael Moore
The Herbal Academy Herbal Bookshelf (List of Herb Books from the Herbal Academy)
The Herbal Kitchen by Kami McBride
A Kid's Herb Book for Children of All Ages by Lesley Tierra (has stories and activities to go with learning each herb)
Backyard Medicine by Julie and Matthew Seal
The New Healing Herbs by Michael Castleman
Homegrown Herbs by Tammi Hartung (mainly how to cultivate herbs)
Mountain States Medicinal Plants by Briana Wiles (Rocky Mountain Area)
Essential Herbal Wisdom by Nancy Arrowsmith
Breverton's Complete Herbal by Terry Breverton (Based on Culpepper's Complete Herbal of 1653)
Prescription for Herbal Healing by Phyllis Balch
Herbal Materia Medica by David Hoffman
Nutritional Herbology by Mark Pedersen (details of nutrition content and constituents)
School of Natural Healing by John R. Christopher
Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss
Materia Medica by Michael Moore
The Herbal Academy Herbal Bookshelf (List of Herb Books from the Herbal Academy)
My Favorite Places to Order Herbs & Herbal Remedies
I believe the best medicine is what you can grow, forage and create in your own community. I also realize this is not always possible and so these are my favorite places to order herbs and remedies. Make sure the company your choose to purchase from follows organic and ethical practices.
Birth Song Botanicals focuses on herbs for pregnancy, birth, nursing and children. They sell botanicals in addition to herbal education.
Herbal Education
I believe the best herbal education you can have is praying to God for direction, reading many books from a variety of authors, keeping a journal of your studies and then putting that learning into action by preparing and using herbs. There are also many online herbal courses and programs that can be beneficial. I have found it is good to dapple in a variety of sources as each one has something new and different to teach, along with some of the tried and true information.
My Herbal Knowledge Path:
I began with Medicinal Herbs A Beginner's Guide by Rosemary Gladstar, then added more herb books to my collection while keeping a personal herbal and experimenting along the way. I then felt a pull to get a "Master Herbalist certificate". This just means I finished certain courses or programs to have a certificate from that particular school but there really isn't a universal "certified" Master herbalist. I begam my course studies with The School of Natural Healing, Family Herbalist Course (initial course), after moving onto their nutrition course I didn't feel I should move forward any further with this school. This does not mean it isn't a good school, it just means I had a different path to take.
I was then directed by my light of Christ to just wait and continue studying on my own. A year later I found Trinity School of Natural Health and that is where I received my Master Herbalist certificate. There is a lot of light with this school, although there were a couple books I felt were outdated, complicated, and/or no longer relevant today and I don't like that the only content was being assigned books to read and then answering questions about them, but overall the information I learned was helpful. I have also taken and continue to take courses from the Herbal Academy. I love how all the information is online (no need to purchase additional books), can be downloaded and has videos trickled throughout. I love the visuals, handouts, recipes, and blog articles. Some lessons teeter on the evolutionary side of things, which I don't believe in, but as with all my learning I use the spirit to discern truth. I continue learning each week from my library of resources, one herb at a time. Education is a lifetime endeavor.
This was my path to herbal education and each person will have a different experience so I have listed some different online sources I have found for herbal education. I haven't looked into all of the courses so I can't give my opinion on all of them but have this running list of online education as I come across it. I also don't agree with everything I read so I always use my gift of discernment to interpret truth. I know that as you pray and seek direction for your own herbal path the Lord will bless you with the spirit to interpret truth as well.
May God be with you on your journey of learning!
My Herbal Knowledge Path:
I began with Medicinal Herbs A Beginner's Guide by Rosemary Gladstar, then added more herb books to my collection while keeping a personal herbal and experimenting along the way. I then felt a pull to get a "Master Herbalist certificate". This just means I finished certain courses or programs to have a certificate from that particular school but there really isn't a universal "certified" Master herbalist. I begam my course studies with The School of Natural Healing, Family Herbalist Course (initial course), after moving onto their nutrition course I didn't feel I should move forward any further with this school. This does not mean it isn't a good school, it just means I had a different path to take.
I was then directed by my light of Christ to just wait and continue studying on my own. A year later I found Trinity School of Natural Health and that is where I received my Master Herbalist certificate. There is a lot of light with this school, although there were a couple books I felt were outdated, complicated, and/or no longer relevant today and I don't like that the only content was being assigned books to read and then answering questions about them, but overall the information I learned was helpful. I have also taken and continue to take courses from the Herbal Academy. I love how all the information is online (no need to purchase additional books), can be downloaded and has videos trickled throughout. I love the visuals, handouts, recipes, and blog articles. Some lessons teeter on the evolutionary side of things, which I don't believe in, but as with all my learning I use the spirit to discern truth. I continue learning each week from my library of resources, one herb at a time. Education is a lifetime endeavor.
This was my path to herbal education and each person will have a different experience so I have listed some different online sources I have found for herbal education. I haven't looked into all of the courses so I can't give my opinion on all of them but have this running list of online education as I come across it. I also don't agree with everything I read so I always use my gift of discernment to interpret truth. I know that as you pray and seek direction for your own herbal path the Lord will bless you with the spirit to interpret truth as well.
May God be with you on your journey of learning!
Mountain Rose Herbs blog (you can find a link to Herbal Education for more resources)
The Herbal Academy and companion blog
The School of Natural Healing
Rosemary Gladstar's The Science and Art of Herbalism
Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine
*I am not affiliated with any of these companies
Disclaimer: The Information contained on this blog is for educational purposes only and as a guideline for your personal use. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, prescribe or replace the advice of a licensed healthcare professional. Those who follow these suggestions do so at their own risk.