Family: Asteraceae (Compositae) Daisy
Parts Used: Leaves, sap, and seeds.
Also known as prickly lettuce, wild opium and compass plant. This common weed can be used as an emergency edible food (not in large quantities though), a pain reliever and the sap is a wonderful natural wart remover.
Actions and Properties
- antibacterial
- analgesic (pain reliever)
- bitter
- sedative
Medicinal Uses
- Pain reliever (opium substitute)
- Cramps, muscle and joint pain.
- Sleep aid and helpful for nightmares.
- Calming and relaxing. Helps with restlessness, nervousness, anxiety and stress.
- Whooping cough and other types of coughs.
- Urinary tract problems.
- Milky sap dissolves warts and helps with aging spots.
- Milky sap can also disinfect wounds.
Methods of Use
- Milk (sap)
- Tea
- Tincture
- Herbal oil and salve
- Fresh leaves