Today we are going to talk about prevention. The first line of action is to wear protective clothing. When working in the garden, wear gloves and long sleeves (if you can handle them). I have a light weight, light colored cardigan I wear, along with yoga pants tucked into my awesome purple garden boots. Not only does this protect me from bug bites and stings, it also protects me from getting sunburned. You can also tuck your pants into your socks so those suckers don’t try going up your legs. This approach is great and dandy for gardening and camping but what about just playing outside, especially in the evening.
The next line of defense is using a bug repellent. Our skin is the biggest organ of our body and anything we put onto it is absorbed into it. Keep this in mind when applying anything to your skin. I personally do not put anything on my family’s body that I wouldn't feel comfortable having them ingest, so I make my own repellent using herbs and essential oils. This is a tried and true recipe that out shines the conventional toxic ones you can purchase at the store. Give it a try and you won't be sorry.
1 oz. witch hazel or catnip hydrosol
1 oz. grapeseed oil
35 drops citronella essential oil
20 drops peppermint essential oil
15 drops lemon essential oil
15 drops lemongrass essential oil
15 drops cedarwood essential oil