Personal Scripture Study
Language Arts
Reading List
On the Banks of Plum Creek - Laura Ingalls Wilder
A Little Princess - Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Water Babies - Charles Kingsley
Alices Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carrol
Through the Looking Glass - Lewis Carrol
At the Back of the North Wind - George MacDonald
Men of Iron - Howard Pyle
The Bears of Blue River - Charles Major
Swallows and Amazons - Arthur Ransome
Caddie Woodlawn - Carol Ryrie Brink
The Little White Horse - Elizabeth Goudge
The Saturdays - Elizabeth Enright
English Fairy Tales and more - Joseph Jacobs
King of the Wind - Marguerite Henry
The Four Story Mistake - Elizabeth Enright
Then There Were Five - Elizabeth Enright
The Wheel on the School - Meindert De Jon
Unknown to History: Captivity of Mary of Scotland - Charlotte Yonge