Personal Scripture Study
Family School
- Devotional
- Nature Study/Outdoor Hour
- Exploring Creation With... (science)
- Country Study
- Art and Composer Study
- Herb Fairies - Herb of the Month
- Patterns of Liberty/Family History
- Read Aloud Book
I cannot believe that my Big Man is 12 this year! Time sure does fly and he is my first to move beyond the Elementary Grades and into the Jr. High stage. He will now be more involved in group settings, volunteer work, service, scouts and working towards Scholar Phase (as outlined in Leadership Education: The Phases of Learning). Using Ambleside Online Year 7 as a rough outline for school this year, we went through together and chose what he wanted to learn and study this year. In addition to all of these subjects he will continue using Math U See, working in Epsilon and doing their online math drills daily. Personal Scripture Study In addition to reading from these materials for scripture study time we also use journals and notebooking pages from both Discover the Scriptures and The Red Headed Hostess, although to be honest, Big Man is not a fan of journal pages so he mainly uses the online notebook and journal available at, under tools. He will be teaching us devotional on Fridays and also has opportunities to teach at church on Sundays. Family School Family school takes place right after breakfast and starts with devotional. Family school consists of subjects we do together as a family before we break out to do individual studies. Family school was covered in detail in the 2015 school plans post, and includes:
Language Arts Big Man loves reading more than anything but when it comes to language arts, he struggles. Because we work at his own pace he will be working out of the Level 5 All About Spelling program and if he is ready move onto Level 6. We will be starting out with the basics of grammar using Simply Grammar and then follow up with Jensen's Grammar. All of his readings will be accompanied with notebooking pages, an oral narration or book report and he has chosen to study German as his foreign language. LiteratureGeography and Nature Study These are great living books on geography and we use the Old World Style Maps to chart the journey in these books. PoetryHistory and Government This is Big Man's favorite subject. He started the Great Empires last year and only got through Greeks and Romans so he wanted to continue learning about ancient times. We will continue with Proclaim Liberty we started last year and many of these books are on his book list for his Key of Liberty group. Key of Liberty Book ListScience Big Man wanted to finish The Secrets of the Universe series he started last year in addition to our family school, Exploring Creation with Science books. I also have a couple of suggestions from Ambleside Online for him to study on his own. Free Reading Book ListGroups Big Man will be starting a weekly group from LEMI (Leadership Education Mentoring Institute) called Key of Liberty, which is a commonwealth school. In addition to learning about our founding fathers, the constitution and government he will also be studying Shakespeare and working on group service projects. He is also involved with weekly scouts and church group meetings. This fall will be Big Man's last year as a knight at the Mastering Knighthood Summit, but will continue to be involved by volunteering in future Summits. He will also be a volunteer youth leader at Patriot Camp next summer and any other opportunities that may arise.
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![]() Hi, I’m Annie, a child of God, Mother of Influence and Herbalist. Welcome to my place where I share what I have learned of natural and frugal living, healthy eating and living, gardening, homeschooling, herbal crafting, preparing temporally and spiritually, and love for God and Country.
January 2023