Purpose of the Self Reliance in Health Course
Seeking and Receiving Truth
Let me share part of my story of using that light of Christ to discover the best course of action for myself while struggling with health issues. After my last child was born, I broke out in a horrible “rash” for lack of a better term, over my hands. It started as a little itchy spot, that continued to spread across my palms as little blisters that would burst and ooze puss and rendered my hands pretty much useless. I had to hold them in claws or else they would crack and bleed. As you can imagine, caring for a baby and having three other children under the age eight, without the use of my hands was quite the challenge. I went to the doctor and was told it was eczema and was given a prescription for a steroid cream. “But what is the cause? How did it just start? How do I get rid of it?” None of these questions could be answered. I was not about to just cover up a problem, I wanted to get to the cause of it. And so, my journey began.
For five years I studied, I prayed, I applied, I tried this, I tried that, I followed step by step where that light of Christ directed me. Through that path I learned about how our bodies were created and how they work. I learned how plants are created and how they work with our bodies. I learned about the power of God’s creations and laws. I learned how to take my body and my health into my own hands and not rely on someone else to tell me how to do it. I submitted myself to the will of the Lord and found that he had a purpose for me and in order to fulfill that purpose he needed me to go through this trial. There are many things we can only learn through the trials the Lord places before us. I was able to heal that skin condition by following the light of Christ. I came out with much more than healed hands; I came out with a self-reliance in health that I feel the Lord now wants me to share with others.