Because of how different each of us were created there are a variety of nervine herbs that will work great for one person, but react poorly with another one. Nervine herbs should always be used as part of a formula verses a single herb for this purpose, and because they work better as part of a group. Nervine herbs are meant to nourish and calm the nervous system but in some individuals the opposite can occur where the herb actually stimulates or irritates, if this happens just discontinue the use of that herb and try another one.
Nervine blends work best taken over a longer period of time such as a couple times a day for two to three months. Use your light of Christ to feel out what would work best for you or your family, and if one doesn't work out, give another one a try.
Annie's Nerve Blend
1 part St. John's wort
1 part valerian blossoms (or root)
1 part skullcap
1 part hawthorn berry
1/2 part lobelia
Dr. Christopher's Nerve Formula
- black cohosh
- blue cohosh
- blue vervain
- skullcap
- lobelia
This can also be purchased ready made from Dr. Christopher's Herb Shop.
Rosemary Gladstar's Nerve Tonic Formula #1
1 part chamomile
1 part oats
1/2 part chrysanthemum flowers
1/2 part rose petals
1/4 part lavender flowers
stevia to taste
Rosemary Gladstar's Nerve Tonic Formula #2
2 parts Siberian ginseng
1 part astragalus
1 part burdock root
1 part cinnamon
1 part licorice root
1/2 part cardamom seeds
1/2 part ginger
1/2 part ginseng root
Butterfly Miracles with Herbal Remedies Nerve Tonic
1 part skullcap
1/2 part St. John's wort
1/2 part lemon balm
1/2 part lavender
1/2 part rosemary
1/2 part motherwort
1/2 part passion flower