Onion Poultice
- Chop up an onion and place in a baking dish with some olive. Bake at 350 until the onion is heated all the way through or sauté on low until translucent.
- Lay out a cheesecloth or cotton dish towel and pour the warmed onions on the cloth and wrap up like a burrito. I used a muslin bag that I filled with the onions.
- Place over the chest and adhere with plastic wrap or what I did was lay a hand towel over the muslin bag and adhered with an ace bandage.
- Have the patient sleep with the poultice. I had my son watch a movie and then placed a hot pad over the poultice to keep it warm, which will help with penetration.
Onion Syrup
Raw honey
Optional additions:
Place the onion slices in a sauce pan and just cover with raw honey. Turn on low heat or if you have a hot cooking oven like mine, the warming burner. Let it sit on low for a couple of hours until the onions have softened, be sure not to let the heat get above 100 degrees. Rosemary just leaves her onions in the syrup but I had to strain them for Little Man to take - you choose.
Onion Pulling Toxins and Bacteria
You can also place a slice of onion on the bottom of the feet and adhere with a sock. First massage olive oil onto the foot to prevent any irritation. The onion will pull out toxins and harmful pathogens from the pores of the feet right into itself.