The Recipe
2 parts turmeric root powder
2 parts alfalfa leaf (grind into a powder) or nettles
1 part cayenne powder
1 part garlic powder
00 or 0 capsules - I prefer the 00 because they hold more herb, three 00 capsules are equal to about 1 teaspoon
Capsule Machine
Why These Herbs?
- Hawthorn is rich in bioflavooids, antioxidants, and procyanidins, all which feed and tone the heart. It is known as the "heart" herb.
- Cayenne is a heart tonic.
- Turmeric can help lower blood cholesterol and can prevent the formation of blood clots. It is also one of those wonder herbs that is useful and healing for most anything that ails you.
- I included alfalfa because of the high nutrient content and hubby can use as many nutrients in his diet as I can sneak:). You don't want to include this herb though if taking any blood thinning medication, replace it with nettles.
- Garlic is a wonderful cardiac herb that not only helps the body regulate blood pressure but can also clear plaque from the arteries.