Healing Benefits
- Rich in calcium for bone and teeth building.
- Iron for enriching the blood and helping with anemic conditions.
- Potassium can ease muscle cramps.
- Magnesium and Potassium are good for calming the body down and preparing for sleep.
- B Vitamins for strengthening the nervous system.
- Energizing
- Anti-inflammatory action can help with joint pain and inflammation in the body, including the gut.
- Helps in the building of red blood cells which transports oxygen throughout the body.
- Promotes a healthy gut.
- Good for women's health during menstruation. It replenishes lost minerals in the blood, balances hormones and eases cramping.
- Can be used as a natural laxative.
- Stabilizes blood sugar levels.
- High in antioxidants which combat free radicals, aiding in cancer prevention.
- Promotes cell growth which can help wounds and cuts to heal faster and acne to clear up.
How to Use
- Use in marinades, dressings and sauces.
- Add in baked goods, such as gingerbread.
- Stir a tablespoon into an herbal tea, smoothie or drink.