- analgesic
- antibacterial
- anti-inflammatory
- antiseptic
- antispasmodic
- antiviral
- stimulating
- digestive
- decongestant
- antibiotic
- antifungal
- anti-depressant
- astringent
- calmative
- nervine
- purifying
- Apply topically with a carrier oil
- Inhale (diffuse)
- G.R.A.S - generally regarded as safe for human consumption, use as a dietary supplement, in beverages and cooking.
- purifies and disinfects
- spray along window sills and door to keep unwanted pests from entering
Medicinal Uses
- asthma (apply one drop under the tongue)
- sinus, chest congestion, any respiratory problem or weakness (again apply a drop under the tongue for congestion relief)
- sore throat, laryngitis (I like to use my throat spray for these conditions)
- colds, flu and fever
- allergies and hay fever
- halitosis, breath freshener (one drop under the tongue or make a gargle with water and a drop or two of oil)
- toothaches, mouth sores, gum infection
- cold sores
- concentration, brain, memory, alertness, fatigue, energizing
- digestion: constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion, gas, IBS
- nausea, morning or motion sickness and vomiting (inhale)
- headache and migraines
- PMS, menstrual irregularity, cramps, aches, etc.
- muscle pain, inflamed joints and tissue, arthritis, rheumatism, carpal tunnel
- varicose veins
- skin fungus, candida, hives, scabies, rashes, itching, irritated skin
- cools the heat of sunburn and brings body temperature down on hot days (mix a drop of two in a spray bottle with water or as the essential oil in my burn soother spray)
- hot flashes (simply inhale or use the spray bottle method)
- depression, uplifts the spirit
- repels spiders and insects, 1 drop on a tick will detach it whole
- heals the pain and itch of spider and insect bites or stings