The Recipe
Peppermint (could also use spearmint) - nausea, vomiting, pain reliever, and fever reducer.
Elder Flowers - Known for their immune boosting properties which makes it ideal for any type of sickness, especially colds, coughs, and flu symptoms. It is also great respiratory herb.
Yarrow (leaves and flowers) - One of those "heal all" herbs, great for reducing fevers and healing digestive problems. It stimulates circulation and aids the respiratory system, making it a great winter illness herb.
How To Prepare and Use Heal All Blend
Herbal Infusion
Bath and Foot Soak
Glycerite/Tincture or Syrup
For acute conditions administer two dropperfuls (infants one dropperful) every hour until symptoms subside. For fevers I usually give it more often, even up to every 15 minutes. I will also give it whenever the children request it, even for cuts and scrapes.:)
Here are the instructions for making a glycerite, traditional tincture and herbal syrup.
Herbal Syrup