Some of you may remember "the broken bone brothers" last summer. The first week in August we had Big Man break his leg that resulted in a surgery to place a plate with screws. Two weeks later Little Man decided to break his arm and thankfully they were able to set it with just a cast. During that time I learned a lot about comfrey and experimented quite a bit with it. I made a salve, poultices, compresses, pastes, even a comfrey root decoction. I found that the salve was the easiest method of use and just as potent as the fresh compress. I applied this every morning and every evening to Big Man's leg. He ended up being two weeks ahead of schedule which meant he was able to get off those crutches sooner than he thought. The Dr. told me he was amazed at the amount of bone growth over the break. When Little Man's cast was removed I immediately began applying the comfrey salve to his arm to strengthen the weakened bone and prevent another break. I have since then used my beloved comfrey salve for everything from cuts and wounds, to skin rashes and eczema. I even had a friend use it to prevent stretch marks on her growing pregnant belly.
The Recipe
Follow the instructions here, to make an herbal infused oil. To double infuse, just strain the oil from the first batch, put those herbs in your compost - remember that comfrey is a great fertilizer. Now pour that oil over a fresh batch of herb and infuse once again. If you want to triple infuse, repeat the process one more time.